CRA Account registration – Step by step instruction

Log into CRA account through – (You may copy/paste the link in a new browser to access CRA Account sign-in page)


You have 3 options to register your CRA account.

Option 1 – Sign-In partner

You may use this option to register your CRA account if you have your online banking information. This option does not share your banking information with CRA. It only uses your online banking credential (SecureKey Concierge) to access your CRA account. This option provides a faster sign-in option.

Option 2 – Using CRA user ID and password

You will first need to enter your Social Insurance Number (no space)

At the second page, you will have to enter your home address postal code, your date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy) and most importantly your tax information from the previous income tax year (line 135)

Option 3 – BC Services Card

You will need a BC Services Card Account to login. You may also need to download their APP to finalize the process. Please follow the prompted steps.


Once you have passed the initial validation page, you will be prompted to the account creation page. You must create a unique username. We would suggest you use the same username as what you use for your email address. For example, if your email name is, you may create your username as “johndoe89”. This will help you remember your username for future access. You will then need to create a unique password that meets the security checklist. An example of the password could be “Canada2020”.

Create your security questions. Once you have created answers to your security questions, please ensure to take a picture or print the answer for future reference in case if you have lost your account password.

Once you have successfully created your CRA Account username and password, you will be prompted to a limited access page. You will have to input your CRA security code to access the full service of your CRA Account. You will receive your CRA security code by mail within 5 to 10 business days. Once you have received your CRA security code, you will have to login into your CRA account and input the security code for final validation.

If you have not received your CRA security code, you have to call CRA at 1-800-959-8281 to re-issue your code again. Once you have successfully input your CRA security code, you will have full access to your account and be able to apply for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit.